Chalk Consulting - 2023 Year In Review

As we reflect on the past year, 2023 marked a period of substantial growth for Chalk Consulting LLC. Our engagements spanned diverse sectors, including intercollegiate athletics, non-profit initiatives, and higher education. It is with great satisfaction that we share a recap of our collaborative endeavors and an optimistic glance towards the opportunities that await us in 2024.

The University of Nevada Athletics

Aligning with the mission of the University of Nevada Athletics, a proud member of the Mountain West Conference, our focus extended across various facets. From the development of robust infrastructure to coaching and training staff, our involvement encompassed pipeline and moves management, proposal strategies, stewardship efforts, annual giving initiatives, special events strategy, and collaborative planning with the UNR Foundation. Witnessing the success stories of the development team and their transformative journeys has been truly rewarding.

Key Areas of Focus

  • Development Infrastructure

  • Coaching and Training Staff

  • Pipeline and Moves Management

  • Proposal Strategies

  • Stewardship Efforts

  • Annual Giving Efforts

  • Special Events Strategy

  • Job description development and Hiring

Fox Tucson Theatre

Partnering with Alexander | Carrillo on the capital campaign for the Fox Tucson Theatre has been an honor. Our emphasis on donor cultivation, meticulous stewardship efforts, and major gift fundraising underscores our commitment to contributing to the thriving arts community in Tucson and the enhancement of downtown. Building meaningful relationships with patrons, staff, and the dedicated team at Alexander | Carrillo has been a source of inspiration. This project will be a game change for Downtown Tucson.

Key Areas of Focus

  • Donor Cultivation

  • Stewardship Efforts

  • Major Gift Fundraising

88 Crime

Our collaboration with 88-CRIME was aimed at raising funds to help prevent and reduce crime, and align with best practices of Crime Stoppers, USA. Focusing on board engagement, special event fundraising strategies, and fundraising/stewardship training, our goal was to foster a partnership with the board of directors to help meet the needs of the community, law enforcement, and the media for a safer society.

Key Areas of Focus

  • Board Engagement

  • Special Event Fundraising Strategies

  • Fundraising and Stewardship Training

  • Raised Sponsorship Dollars

  • Facilitated community connections to help with 88 Crime’s mission


Tech4Change, a non-profit dedicated to aiding grassroots charities, provided an opportunity to contribute to various causes. Our focus on infrastructure, CRM/vendor selection, board goal setting, fundraising strategy, and stewardship planning is aimed at harnessing the tech field for positive social impact.  Tech4Change’s volunteer board is making things happen!

Key Areas of Focus

  • Infrastructure

  • CRM/vendor selection

  • Board Goal Setting and Planning

  • Fundraising Strategy

  • Stewardship Planning

Engineering Development Forum

Speaking at the Engineering Development Forum allowed us to engage with development and alumni personnel from Engineering Colleges across the nation. Our discussion ranged from cross-campus collaboration to partnering with college athletics or the arts, offering insights into joint proposals for the benefit of academic institutions.

Key Areas of Focus

  • Cross campus collaboration

  • How to partner with college athletics and the arts

  • Collaborative cultivation and stewardship opportunities

  • Joint proposals 

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Addressing the development team at the University of Illinois involved sharing real-life experiences, providing professional development insights, and addressing handling difficult situations with donors. Our focus was on contributing to a culture of meaningful engagement with donors while providing tools to handle challenging situations.

Key Areas of Focus

  • Professional Development

  • Sharing real life experience

  • Handling difficult situations with donors

Cooper Center for Environmental Education at the University of Arizona

Partnering with the Cooper Center for Environmental Learning at the University of Arizona involved focusing on board engagement and goal setting. The Center's commitment to inspiring participants to preserve the Sonoran Desert resonated with our dedication to sustainable practices.

Key Areas of Focus

  • Board Engagement

  • Board Goal Setting 

Bobcat Alumni Group at the University of Arizona

With a history dating back to 1922, the Bobcat Alumni Group remains steadfast in preserving the heritage and traditions of the University of Arizona. Our role included creating an overall fundraising plan for the volunteer alumni board, formulating an alumni engagement strategy, and developing a volunteer engagement plan to support the university's mission.

Key Areas of Focus

  • Creating an Overall Fundraising Plan

  • Alumni Engagement Strategy

  • Volunteer Engagement Plan 

SONG – The Mac Davis Center for Songwriting

Embarking on a feasibility study for SONG - The Mac Davis Center for Songwriting in Lubbock, TX, was a unique opportunity. Our collaboration involved board engagement and coordination, creating a compelling case for support, conducting interviews, and building meaningful relationships to lay the foundation for a vibrant Songwriting Center that will also honor the late Mac Davis.

Key Areas of Focus

  • Feasibility Study

  • Board Engagement and Coordination

  • Creating Case for Support

  • Interviews with individuals

  • Building Meaningful Relationships 

As we conclude this reflection, we express gratitude for the inspiring individuals and organizations we've had the privilege to work with in 2023. Their dedication fuels our commitment to being valued partners in helping organizations reach their goals. We eagerly anticipate continued collaborations in 2024 and the opportunity to engage with new clients.

To explore strategic solutions for your organization in 2024, please reach out to Chalk Consulting. Thank you for being a part of our journey to Keep Doing Good Things!


Creative Capital Campaign & Other Stewardship Ideas


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