
Chalk Consulting - Dr Phoebe Chalk-Wadsworth


Phoebe’s several years of fundraising experience can be shared through speaking opportunities.  Her knowledge through teaching, research, and practical application are aspects that make her delivery enjoyable and engaging.  She is a transparent presenter who is willing to share mistakes and successes to help the audience better understand the topic being shared. From higher education academic and intercollegiate experiences to the non-profit sector she can take a topic and make a fantastic presentation.

Topics Include:

  • Annual Giving

  • Major Gift Solicitation

  • Principal Gift Strategy

  • Qualification Process

  • Cultivation and Stewardship

  • Intercollegiate Athletics

Chalk Consulting - Dr Phoebe Chalk-Wadsworth

Alumni Engagement

One of Phoebe’s passions is her belief in alumni engagement and the impact this has on an institution.  Her experience in intercollegiate athletics and the business college at the University of Arizona has provided her a wealth of understanding to share.  She has extensive experience with high profile alumni such as professional athletes or CEOs of major companies. She has been involved with the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), National Association of Athletic Development Directors (NAADD), Association of Business School Alumni Professionals (ABSAP), Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and has presented for NCAA, CASE, and AACSB.  She is enthusiastic about helping alumni professionals get excited about the various opportunities to involve alumni and how it can help them become volunteers or enhance their experience on the giving continuum.

Topics Include:

  • Alumni Programming

  • Alumni Boards

  • Cultivation

  • Stewardship

  • Alumni Events

  • Communication

Leadership and Management

Part of leadership and management is understanding the vulnerability of those roles.  Leadership is understanding the big picture and management is collaborating with people. Dr. Chalk-Wadsworth will share “lived experiences” of managers, the outcomes of those experiences, and in hindsight, aspects that may or may not be managed differently. Her research on this topic can be of value to new managers or managers who have been in their role for some time.

Topics Include:

  • Lived managerial experiences

  • Transparency of successful and challenging moments

  • Leadership opportunities