Chalk Consulting strategically assists non-profit organizations to achieve philanthropy and engagement success. Our process includes calculating solutions for community engagement, enhancing brand awareness, facilitating or consulting in feasibility studies, capital campaigns, donor qualification, solicitation, and stewardship. We enhance board involvement and create an overall strategy for success.
Strategies and Opportunities
Annual Giving
Capital Campaigns
Communication Plan
Community Engagement
Cultivation and Stewardship
Feasibility Study
Prospect Management
Special Projects
Specific Project Needs
Staff Training
Strategic Planning
Tool Kits
Transition Assistance
Higher Education - Academics
Chalk Consulting is the ideal choice to help improve an institution’s fundraising and alumni engagement efforts. Strategies help support university and community college institutions, and within these institutions, colleges and departments can benefit from Chalk Consulting’s expertise. Improve your financial support and build relationships with alumni who have pride in their experience, from alumni of a specific college (business, arts, humanities, etc.), to alumni clubs such as the band, multicultural groups, student government, fraternities, and sororities. Projects can include annual giving, capital campaigns, cultivation and stewardship plans, special event planning and alumni relations strategies.
Strategies and Opportunities
Alumni Engagement
Annual Giving
Capital Campaigns
Cultivation and Stewardship
Feasibility Study
Prospect Management
Special Projects
Staff Training
Stratagies for Majors Moved to Another College
Tool Kits
Intercollegiate Athletics
Intercollegiate Athletics Departments are faced with raising funds during unprecedented times, the transfer portal and Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) has changed the landscape of college athletics. In addition, the Tax Cuts and Job Act of 2017 changed how individuals can receive tax benefits for donations to intercollegiate athletics at institutions of higher education.
Chalk Consulting can assist in developing an overall fundraising and alumni letterwinner engagement strategy to helping departments and intercollegiate teams enhance the fundraising revenues being generated each year.
Strategies and Opportunities
Alumni Letterwinner Engagement
Annual Giving
Cultivation and Stewardship
Feasibility Study
Letterwinner Associations/Clubs
Prospect Management
Specific Sport Capital Campaigns
Special Projects
Training Coaches and Staff
Tool Kits
Special Events
Special events can be used as cultivation and stewardship opportunities. Events can also generate revenue if corporate sponsorship is included. The strategy can be created, and the organization can implement it, or Chalk Consulting can create and implement it from beginning to end. Whatever your strategy, Chalk Consulting can assist as much or as little as needed, we are here to create an event that is perfect for your organization.
Strategies and Opportunities
Budget Planning
Food & Beverage
In-Person Event Logistics
On-site Event Management
Vendor Selection