How Did You Learn About Fundraising and Giving Back?

For me, it all started in my childhood. Playing sports meant annual bake sales, selling chocolate bars, and hosting car washes. As a Girl Scout, I sold more cookies than I could count! These experiences pushed me outside my comfort zone—standing in front of grocery store approaching strangers or asking parents, friends, and family for support.

In college, this skill became even more crucial. I remember wanting to travel with the baseball team to the 1986 College World Series. Coach Kindall, set a seemingly impossible challenge: raise $10,000. I’m pretty sure he doubted I could do it, but just a few days later, I proudly told him the funds were secured.

Fundraising quickly became a passion, and it’s a profession I've cherished ever since. Just today, I walked up to the local Safeway, where a group of young men from Desert Christian High School approached me with a football team fundraiser. As I saw them huddled together, I wondered who would step up to make the pitch.

They did a great job explaining what the funds would be used for, and we even chatted about their plans after high school. I shared with them that fundraising is what I do for a living and that I was proud of them for taking the initiative to support their sport. Of course, I bought the coupon book and asked if we could take a photo together to share their efforts.

Good luck to the Desert Christian High School Football Program this year!

I’d love to hear your stories. How did you learn about fundraising, and how has it helped you along the way?

Disclaimer: I asked each student if I could share this picture if I could post this photo.


Mentorship Series