Holiday Traditions

I don’t have any statistical research on the statement I’m about to make, but it is my assumption that many people have Holiday traditions.  Given that Thanksgiving was yesterday, I thought I would share a few my family traditions.

Signing of the Tablecloth

One of our many traditions is the “signing of the tablecloth” at Thanksgiving. Mama Phoebe, my aunt, has an assortment of colored sharpies and each person, no matter how old they are, signs the tablecloth with a message and the year.  It is fun and sometimes sad to look back and read what has been written.  Even guests sign it.  One year we had Wilbur and a few cheerleaders from the University of Arizona join us and it makes me smile each time I read the appreciative messages for being at our home for Thanksgiving.

Mom signed this as AMC

Mom signed this as Nini, which is what her nieces and nephews called her.

Another is my mom’s cranberry salsa recipe.  It is super yummy, and my sister and I have continued the tradition of making it.  Here is the recipe if you are interested.

AMC’s Cranberry Salsa

Finely chop (I use a food processor instead of chopping for the cranberries and jalapenos)

12oz bag of fresh cranberries

2 jalapenos

2 tablespoons white onion

¼ cup of cilantro

Mix and then add:

10oz can of crushed pineapples – drained

1/3 cup sugar

¼ teaspoon salt

Chill for 4 hours. I make it the day before I plan to serve it.

Something I’ve done is also take this cranberry salsa and pour it over goat cheese and serve it with crackers. This is now my tradition.


When you look up the word Tradition in the dictionary this is what you find:

the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way:

long-established custom or belief that has been passed on from one generation to another:

When I read this, I found it interesting that there is no specific timeframe given to establish a tradition. It is a bit vague with the statement “long-established” custom. As I reflect on this, perhaps it is up to each person to define how or when something becomes a “tradition.”

Share A Tradition

What Holiday traditions do you have at home or at your workplace? Please share a tradition or family recipe.


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