Chalk Consulting Celebrates One-Year Anniversary

Life is often described as a journey, with straight roads, winding turns, mountains to climb, or obstacles to navigate. The straight road provides consistency, you know it well, sometimes there are yield or stop signs, but overall, not a lot of notable change – it’s comfortable. The other is filled with adventure, forks in the road, and uncharted territory. It can be exciting and challenging all at the same time. And this, my friends, was my last year!

I used my ability to be fearless, incorporating the lesson learned my entire life and focused that energy into being an entrepreneur. I utilized the concept of social capital that I teach college students, which meant utilizing my network. I met with people, brainstormed, was vulnerable, and was confident about my abilities. Being an entrepreneur is exhilarating and I am happy to be in this space, at this time in my journey helping organizations to keep doing good things!

Last week marked the 1-year anniversary for Chalk Consulting, LLC. It took four months to get various aspects in place and I launched the website in late September of 2022. I started marketing the business and during the last eight months, Chalk Consulting, LLC had several clients. I have learned new concepts, met new people, generated referrals, brainstormed with other consultants, and mentored others.

Tech4Change giving $50,000 to Aspire2STEAM

What I missed about being a member of a big organization is the camaraderie you have with a team. I often think of the teams I have worked with, the laughter, the sharing of ideas, and hearing what’s happening with each other’s families. The mentoring and being mentored, the water cooler talk, the potlucks, and celebrating success. With that said, I have created “the team” in other ways, partnering with other consultants, sharing coworking space, picking up the phone to have a meaningful conversation instead of using email or texting, and of course scheduling coffee, lunch, or a cocktail.

Nevada Athletics Development Team

There are so many people to thank and if I try and name them all, I know I will miss someone. If you have helped me, and you know who you are – thank you from the bottom of my heart! A special thanks to the Chalk Consulting Advisory Council members who have been by my side from the beginning and when I call, you respond.

Alexander|Carrillo Consulting Team & Alice Ferris of Goal Buster Consulting

I’d like to thank the clients I have worked with this last year: Tech4Change, Fox Tucson Theatre (in partnership with Alexander|Carrillo Consulting), 88 Crime, Cooper Center for Environmental Learning, and the University of Nevada Athletics Department.

Cooper Center for Environmental Learning Advisory Board

In addition, a huge shout out to the colleagues I have collaborated with – Alexander|Carrillo and the team of Laura Alexander, Jenny Carrillo, Lana Baldwin & Lisa Robinson, and to Mike Bassoff at WB Charter Development. And most importantly, to my husband Earl and my sister Laura, your support and encouragement have been amazing.

It’s been one heck of a ride so far and I can’t wait to see what the next year holds for Chalk Consulting, LLC.


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