Catchy Fundraising Phrases

Chalk Consulting

October is upon us, and many people are preparing for Halloween and Thanksgiving. Individuals like me, your development staff, should be preparing to send out year-end giving appeals.

If you haven’t thought about it, the moment is now. It’s a perfect time to send out your year-end appeal through direct marking or start your crowd-fund opportunity.

Many times, organizations are looking for a catch phrase to entice new or lapsed donors to support the efforts with a year-end tax-donation. My recommendation is to look at your mission and values and see if you can be creative in your approach.

I did a little research myself to see what catch phrases are out being used. Here are a few examples I found from

• Charity Doesn’t Hurt

• Don’t Defer Give Today

• Give So Others Can Live

• They Deserve Better

• Every Penny Counts

My favorite though was “Giving for Change Makes Cents” – I thought that was a creative play on words.

Bottomline, think about your audience, what your goal is and how you want the message to come across. Have fun with fundraising while providing year-end opportunities for individuals to support your organization with a tax-deductible gift. Do you have a catchy phrase you have used and want to share it with me? If so, please email me at

Feel free to let us know how we can help you, by clicking HERE. Thank you!


Private Foundation vs. Donor-Advised Fund

