Book on Management

I am seeking individuals who are willing to complete a survey about meaningful management experiences where you learned something from a specific interaction in a workplace setting and that you believe it would be helpful to share with other managers.  The information gathered will be used for an anthological book, articles, and speaking engagements. The goal is to help others learn from “lived managerial experiences” and to do so I need to collect scenarios. Through consultation with others, 13 scenario prompts were created.

The first portion of the survey is basic demographic data, the second portion includes a few management training questions and your thoughts on managing during COVID, and the last section is where you will share scenarios. 

You can answer up to five scenarios. I recommend you type the answers in advance in Word for the COVID question and any scenarios questions and then cut and paste those responses when completing the survey. To help you, I am sharing the management training questions, the COVID question, and the 13 scenarios below:

When submitting your scenarios answers, please do not include the real name of any individual mentioned in your example scenario. 

o   For male individuals use (John Doe)

o   For female use (Jane Doe)

o   Please consider and indicate when describing your scenario(s) the following information: are you male or female, is the employee male or female, roughly what was the age difference between you, describe the scenarios with Jane Doe or John Doe, and please elaborate on how in hindsight, you may or may not have handled the situation differently.

As a reminder, the information provided in this survey will be anonymous and I ask you to please, complete the survey no later than Monday, January 16, 2023. 

Survey Sample Below

Managerial Basics

Before becoming a manager did you receive any formal manager training? Yes or No

While in your managerial role did you receive any formal managerial training? Yes or No

Do you believe there is value in managerial training? Yes or No

Do you believe being a manager has changed due to COVID-19? Yes or No. Why or why not

Please share a favorite leadership or management book: __________________

Scenario Prompts

The following 13 scenarios are provided as a guide to share your story/stories.  You can share 1-5. Please select from these topics and describe your experience, how you handled it, and in hindsight, what you would have done differently.

1.     Interaction with millennial or Gen Z individual

2.     Interaction during the pandemic

3.     Interaction with colleague

4.     Experience with the Me-Too movement

5.     Experience with harassment

6. Interaction with a person older than you

7.     Interaction with a person younger than you

8.     Experienced manipulation by a member of your team

9.     Experience with a tough decision (firing, performance improvement, etc.)

10.   Experience with retaliation

11. Interaction that was meaningful or positive as a manager

12.   Interaction with a supervisor that was impactful

13.   Any other interaction not mentioned above

LINK to Survey:

If you prefer not to participate and would like to be removed from future reminders about the survey, please let me know.

Thank you for your time and willingness to share your information in hopes of helping others.


Homecoming Engagement


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